What are you doing? 40th
Eyelids like yellow eaves!
Isn't there any other bird with this kind of eyelid?
Well, I haven't seen all the seeds up close. By the way, juvenile of this
bird has red eyelids.
Then will this eyelid close from above? Ducks close it from the bottom, is it related to water?
What are you doing? 39th
This is the moment when the male on the left becomes superior to the male on the right.
The moment the male on the left ran up from the back and opened the wings and tail feathers,
the victor was decided.
I was shooting continuously, it seemed that the male on the right had disappeared.
The losing male went down on his knees.
This is probably because they don't fight and hurt each other.
What are you doing? 38th
"Boss! It's easy to have a big Japanese sea perch over there."
"Okay, I'll get it."
Look at the following photo when the osprey at Fujimae-Higata was deceived and grabbed a mullet.
The above is a lie, don't be fooled....
There are raptors that stick from the beak or go from the legs.
What are you doing? 37th
It is eating now. It had a hard time swallowing it, and it appears on the
This black clump is a crab with its legs and scissors removed (a rice ball of club innards).
It's a fairly large size, so is it a Yamato Osagani (Macrophthalmus japonicus) ?
What are you doing? 36th
It is a large plover that overwinters on tidal flats.
It seems that there used to be a sumo wrestler (Sekitori) with such professional name (Shikona) ...
Such Sekitori bird is feeding with staggered legs.
Plover is written as thousand birds in Chinese character. In the old days there must have been a lot of ...
What are you doing? 35th
Stretch, flutter its wings and bend its beak! Does it yawn? ..
BTW, the beak can be bent like this! (Not an accident or illness.)
I juat want to touch it !
What are you doing? 34th
Somehow a feeling of wrongness .... Hmm.. that is a leg shape..."Oh,
it has reverse legs?"
Actually, it is the heel to bend in an L shape, it has a long sole (tarsus) !
Birds walk on tiptoe. Is it a muscle training?
What are you doing? 33th
They gazed at wild ducks to tilt their head. I also gazed at their back.
I guess they are the male and female, or possibly brothers ?
They both tried to prey on ducks, but the hurdles were still high for young hawks.
What are you doing? 32th
We can meet this bird with a high probability (we often see it at the bird watch field trip),
anyway it is too small to take a photo of their flight !
It is difficult to follow their speed at close range, however the resolution
drops down at a distance.
So this is the miracle shot ! Isn't it ?
What are you doing? 31th
As compared to 30th, it is easier to take a photo of their flight, but they fly wavy so I tend to produce a
large quantity of fish-like shots. This photo is the moment it perches on the trunk.
What are you doing? Back Number
What are you doing? 21th-30th
Little Ringed Plover
Common Greenshank
Barn Swallow
Eurasian Coot
Azure-winged Magpie vs. Common Buzzard
Carrion Crow
Coal Tit
Bull-headed Shrike
Honey Buzzard
Japanese Green Woodpecker
What are you doing? 11th-20th
Common Moorhen
Little Ringed Plover
Tufted Duck
Brown-eared Bulbul
Water Rail and Eurasian Coot
Peregrine Falcon
Great Cormorant
Oriental Turtle Dove
Oriental Stork
Striated Heron
What are you doing? 1st - 10th Pale Thrush
Eastern Spot-billed Duck
Tree Sparrow
Great Crested Grebe
Grey Wagtail
Black Kite
Tufted Duck
Copper Phesant
Japanese Wagtai
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