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A Wild Bird in March

Northern Goshawk
Accipiter gentilis

photo Takashi Hosoe        

The white feathers of undertail-coverts resemble a skirt and are very beautiful,
but this is apparently a characteristic seen during the breeding season.
If you are lucky enough to see a flying goshawk this time of year,
pay attention to its undertail-coverts!

 What`s New

 ■ 28FEB25     Northern Goshawk appears in the top page
 ■ 28FEB25     Japanese Grosbeak appears in the art of paper cutting
          by Teruo Nakamura
 ■ 28FEB25     110th appear in "What are you doing?" by Minoru Tadachi
 ■ 28FEB25    Update Birdwatch Field Trips  
 ■ 28FEB25    Update Report of Birdwatch 
 ■ 27JAN25    Update Annual plan of Birdwatch

title design:Teruo Nakamura

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