What are you doing? 20th
"Hmm, Should I release this small fish?"
That can't be true. Food is food.
Even if you are too small, even if you look hard at me with your small eyes, I have the privilege of swallowing you down.
What are you doing? 19th
Born in Hyogo, 17MAY2011, Travelling from place to place.
She was attired in chic black and white at breakfast, her anklet was one-of-a-kind,
made in Japan.
Serial Number was JPY J0041.Where is the lady now ?
What are you doing? 18th
Oops! 10 days suspension by careless upwards!
It is not a fight. It is possible birds hit each other, many things happen in bird world.
What are you doing? 17th
I read in some book that a big fish caught in a fisherman's net had only
the leg of osprey which claws cut into the back.
I thought it was questionable but now I see this bird and think it might
be the case...
What are you doing? 16th
It perches on ground wire which is top of steel tower of high voltage line.
It seems difficult to keep balance on wire. It needs applause...??
What are you doing? 15th
It threatens Eurasian Coot. It may say "If you get closer, 〆ψ・×∞!
It shows larger than opponent by spreading wings.
What are you doing? 14th
It is leaping for joy? Is the reason it gets the delicious food (bumblebee)?
It's face looks "Yay! I am so happy!!", but it is just my shutter timing....!?
What are you doing? 13th
The male of Tufted Duck is diving, but the leading part is not him, it
is the wonderful splash he made.
In this serious, you may see fallen leaves, scrubbing brush, etc. Here, just water!!
What are you doing? 12th
It trys to pull out worm by leaning back, what happened after that?
A. It pulled out worm by re-holding in the middle.
B. It succeeded in pulling out worm easily.
C. It had worm stolen by White-cheeked Starling.
D. It pulled out worm by stepping back.
The answer will be next time..
---> Answer is B.
What are you doing? 11th
" Why are you running so hard for bringing a nest material? "
" Oh, I'd like to hand over this sash to the next runner even one
second sooner! " Is it??
What are you doing? Back Number
What are you doing? 21th-30th
Little Ringed Plover
Common Greenshank
Barn Swallow
Eurasian Coot
Azure-winged Magpie vs. Common Buzzard
Carrion Crow
Coal Tit
Bull-headed Shrike
Honey Buzzard
Japanese Green Woodpecker
What are you doing? 1st - 10th
Pale Thrush
Eastern Spot-billed Duck
Tree Sparrow
Great Crested Grebe
Grey Wagtail
Black Kite
Tufted Duck
Copper Phesant
Japanese Wagtail
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